Saturday, May 23, 2015

Day 3 Saturday, May 23, 2015

Pt Washington to Pentwater

Today was a beautiful day to cross. Initially, as predicted by my dependable mission control Chris Inniss, it was almost dead calm, but a breeze started picking up from the south during the day.
You can see the Pt Washington power station dead astern

Picked up a passenger: This little bird fluttered on board miles out at sea, How do they fly that far? He proceeded to hop all over the deck, I hope he ate many spiders

Since it was peaceful I entertained myself with fixing the throne room. A plug on the bottom of it leaks, with the obvious results. My previous attempts to fix this with teflon tape, and then with silicone both failed, so this time I decided to use Polypoxy, a powerful epoxy compound ment to work even underwater in emergencies. This was on board from the previous owner for who knows how many years. The stuff was incredibly thick and hard to get out of its tubes (which I in fact broke when squeezing them too hard), but after mixing stuck so well to the plug that I doubt it will ever come off again. The leak is finally fixed.

I got to Pentwater without incident, and anchored in the 'French Town' area.

Anchored in Little Bayou, Pentwater:

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