I'm glad to be here today and not in some remote unprotected spot, because the wind is blowing like crazy from the South. It started with a violent thunderstorm in the morning which gave way to a blustery but sunny day. This is a nice little town, and I walked around a lot to look at things and buy some supplies. Lunch was a delicious Mahi sandwich at the Spouter Inn. I found a marine consignment store but they didn't have what I needed, so I borrowed the marina courtesy car and drove to Morehead City. I got new oars for the dinghy, 35 foot of very heavy chain for the anchor plus shackles, 200 feet of nylon anchor line and various other things.

The wind didn't let up so I decided to stay here another night.
Friday, April 8
Beaufort to Adam's Creek (via Cape Lookout)
The weather is so variable here, every day is different. But I hear in Chicago and Ohio there's been snow, so I can't complain. I headed to Cape Lookout one more time, because I had lost an anchor there a few days ago (an embarrassing story) and felt I could find it again with a grapnel. The benefits of GPS.

Indeed I was lucky and found the anchor, which was so well buried in the sand that I had to wade in at low tide and retrieve it by hand. The water wasn't cold though - I almost felt like swimming. In summer it must be great here.
Next we headed back where we came from and north to Adams Creek. This creek is really gorgeous - woods and rivers interrupted by cottages. Some of them quite pretty.
But it's mainly peaceful, not even much boat traffic. The outgoing tide here made my progress relatively slow even though I was pushing the engine hard. I reached the anchorage just after a beautiful sunset. I will possibly have to stay put tomorrow as there's a gale warning and the Neuse River is absolutely no fun in a gale.
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